What does Kajukenbo mean?

Kajukenbo is a magical acronym because it encompasses so many ideas, concepts and means something different to all who comes across it. When you hear Kajukenbo, it initially sounds like an exotic dish of some sorts; but in a way this is true! Kajukenbo martial arts takes from several disciplines and cultures. If it was … More What does Kajukenbo mean?

What is Kajukenbo?

If you take a blender and mix in Karate, Kali, Judo/Jujitsu, Kenpo, Chinese  and American Boxing, Multiple cultures (Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino and American) with a dash of Aloha, plus a street mentality and press blend you get Kajukenbo. Known for being fierce, brutal, and Effective Kajukenbo is widely considered the first martial art created in … More What is Kajukenbo?